Dr. Steven T. Goldsmith![]() Research Interests
Associate Professor of Environmental Science Department of Geography and the Environment Villanova University 800 Lancaster Avenue Villanova, PA 19085 (P) (610) 519-3589 [email protected] |
Lab News
2024 Lab members Otten and Simeone successfully defend their undergraduate senior theses on lead in soils and drinking water in the grater Norristown, P.A. community. Congrats, Dan and Michael. Excited to see what come's next! (4/30/24) Grace Hansen and Jade Schlatter awarded Villanova/GEV undergraduate research fellowships for Summer 2024! Additionally, Jenna Hassebrock and Amy-Sanchez Hamilton awarded Villanova graduate summer research fellowships. Congrats to all! (4/15/24) Mikaela Anthony and Emma Spangler present their research on macroplastics in streams at The Big East Undergraduate research symposium https://www1.villanova.edu/university/media/press-releases/2024/2024-BIG-EAST-Symposium.html (4/4/24) Lauren Arnold awarded a Goldwater Scholarship. Congratulations, Lauren! https://www1.villanova.edu/university/media/press-releases/2024/goldwater-scholars.html (4/2/24) 2023 Lower Merion Conservancy and PI Goldsmith awarded a NFWF grant to engage communities around reducing their road salt burden to streams! (12/15/23) Mikaela Anthony and Emma Spangler awarded co-first prize in the Environmental and Engineering geosciences division student poster competition at the GSA annual meeting in Pittsburgh, P.A.. Congrats, Emma and Mikaela! (10/15/23) Hannah Feldman presents initial findings associated with our NSF Geopaths project at the GSA annual meeting in Pittsburgh, P.A. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2023AM/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/392494 (10/16/23) Goldsmith and collaborators welcome the first co-hort of the Villanova Geochemistry Summer Institute. Read more about this pivotal program here: https://www1.villanova.edu/university/media/features/villanova-geoscientists-host-local-students-though-grant.html (6/17/23) Marissa Rossi's paper on road salt and land use driven change to long-term changes to major-ion delivery in southeastern Pennsylvania streams published in Frontiers of Environmental Science. Congrats, Marissa! https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2023.1153133/full (5/26/23) PI Goldsmith presents road salt related research at Phoenixville P.A.'s Science on Tap https://sites.google.com/view/scienceontappxv/home (1/3/23). 2022 Lauren Arnold presents her research on the use of POU filters to remove sodium from tap water at the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting in Chicago (12/15/22) Marissa Rossi's paper on long-term impacts of impervious surface cover change and roadway deicing agent application on chloride concentrations in Philadelphia region watersheds is published in Science of the Total Environment. Congrats, Marissa! https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004896972205032X (8/22/22). Katie Geraghty and Mallory Sellars successfully defended their senior theses. Congrats. Marissa Rossi successfully defends her M.S. thesis. Congrats, all! (5/1/22) PI Goldsmith presents road salt related research at the Lower Merion Conservancy and St. Joseph University speaker series: https://lmconservancy.org/from-our-streets-to-our-tap-water-consequences-of-road-salt-application-in-an-increasingly-paved-world/ (3/1/23). Yuliza Cruz's senior thesis on road salt driven spikes in Philadelphia region drinking water is published in AGU's GeoHealth journal. Congrats, Yuliza! https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021GH000538 (2/1/22). PI Goldsmith and colleagues awarded a NOAA grant to assess pathways and degradation of marine debris within the Guánica Watershed in Southwest Puerto Rico! Looking forward to carrying out this research with on the ground partners. https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/media/features/gev-recieve-grants-from-noaa-nsf.html (1/1/22). 2021 Hannah Darensbourg presents her senior project on green roofs. Congrats, Hannah! (12/6/21). Goldsmith and colleagues awarded an NSF Geopaths grant to establish an immersive urban environmental geochemistry research experience as a pathway to careers in the geosciences. We look forward to initiating this exciting work with a partner Saul High School, Philadelphia, P.A. https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/media/features/gev-recieve-grants-from-noaa-nsf.html (9/1/21). Yuliza Cruz and Maddie Bruns successfully defend their senior thesis, and Tessa Enes presents results for her senior project to the Riverbend Environmental Center (5/1/21). Kara Dempsey and Michele Moczulski awarded Villanova Undergraduate Research Fellowships, and Marissa Rossi awarded a Villanova Graduate Summer Research Fellowship. Congrats to all! (4/15/21) Josie Papotto's senior thesis research is published in the International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Congrats, Josie! https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s13762-021-03155-y.pdf (2/1/21) Lab group research on road salt impacts to local streams featured in the Lower Merion Conservancy's Story Map https://lmconservancy.org/road-salt-storymap/ (2/1/21) 2020 Lab group member Hannah Darensbourg's Villanova Undergraduate Research Fellowship work on green roofs is featured in a press release: https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/newsevents/2020/0812a.html (9/1/20) Former lab group member Devin's Smith's research accepted for publication in Nature's Scientific Reports! Congratulations Devin! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-67797-7 (6/12/20) Lab group member Erin Siebert successfully defends her M.S. thesis evaluating solute export from three anthropogenically modified watersheds in southern Puerto Rico. Congratulations Erin on a job well done! (6/12/20) Lab group member Nicole Marks is one of nine students in the country awarded a 2020 NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship. Congratulations Nicole! https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/graduate/newsevents/RecentNews/060420.html (6/1/20) Lab group member Josephine Papotto successfully defends her undergraduate thesis on riverbed sediment contamination in Puerto Rico. Congratulations, Josie! (5/3/20) Collaborative study with the Dr. Amanda Grannas Lab Group evaluating triclosan export from a rural to urban watershed published in Science of the Total Environment: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719353720?casa_token=dgJkquA8Bi0AAAAA:QdoIjiVQGXsnUDZrQjtLQ7IYll_MbAzp1i9C2ad_qaGtXBDajM8P1i-FvMpp4aGjvz74M30uhUw (4/1/20) 2019 It’s a busy summer in the lab! GEV undergraduate majors Alec Henderson and Matt Borkoski are awarded Villanova Undergraduate Research Fellowships while Yuliza Cruz and Maddie Bruns are awarded Villanova Department of Geography and the Environment summer research fellowships. Lab members Nicole Marks and Erin Siebert conduct field work in Puerto Rico(7/15/19) https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/media/features/researchhurricanemariaPR.html Congrats to lab member Erin Siebert (M.S., 2020), awarded a Villanova University Department of Geography and the Environment Graduate Summer Research Fellowship (5/1/19) Congrats to lab member Nicole Marks (M.S., 2020), awarded a Villanova University College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Fellowship, a Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant, and a Guardians of the Brandywine scholarship to support a year long investigation into pollution sources within the East Branch of the Brandywine Creek watershed! (4/1/19) 2018 Congrats to lab member GIna Talamo on her successful defense of her undergraduate thesis! (5/15/18) Congrats to lab member Amber Carter on her successful defense of her Masters thesis! (5/1/18) Congrats to lab member John Nguyen (M.S., 2019), awarded a Villanova University College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Fellowship! (4/1/18) Goldsmith and colleagues awarded National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant to implement a remote water quality monitoring network in the Guanica watershed of Puerto Rico (4/01/18) 2017 Goldsmith and colleagues awarded an ICP-MS through the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program (9/17/17) https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/geoenv/newsandevents.html Lab members Devin Smith ('17) and Gavin Kreitman ('17) successfully defend their senior theses (5/4/17) Congrats to lab member Devin Smith ('17), awarded a Presidential Fellowship to pursue a Masters degree in Geological Sciences at The Ohio State University beginning in Fall 2017! (4/15/17) Former lab member Alexander Sebastiao's research published in Applied Geochemistry (4/6/17) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883292717301981 Congrats to lab member Amber Carter, awarded both a Villanova University College of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Fellowship and a Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant! (3/1/17) 2016 Lab Members Devin Smith and Gina Talamo present their research at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado (10/26/16). https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/provost/curf/student_testimonial/gina_talamo.html http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/provost/curf/student_testimonial/devin_smith.html Lab members Hannah Griffiths, Kaila Hanley, and Alexander Sebastiao succussfully defend their senior theses (5/1/16) Goldsmith and Amanda Grannas of the Villanova Department of Chemistry awarded a Pennsylvania Sea Grant to evaluate the sources and fate of triclosan in the East Branch of the Brandywine Creek (1/22/16) 2015 Lab member Hannah Griffiths awarded Guardians of the Brandywine Headwaters Scholarship for her proposed work investigating the sources and fate of nutrients and sediments in the East Branch of Brandywine Creek (12/1/15) Lab members Kaila Hanley, Kate Henderson, and Meghan Walsh present their research at the 2015 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland (11/13/15) https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2015AM/webprogram/Paper264605.html https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2015AM/webprogram/Paper261999.html https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2015AM/webprogram/Paper264605.html Goldsmith and colleagues awarded National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant to study impacts of land use practices on nearshore coral reefs in Puerto Rico! (7/15/15) Lab members Kaitlyn McGrath, Michaela McWain, and Nicholas Pajerowski successfully defend their undergraduate senior theses (4/28/15). 2014 Goldsmith invited to participate in McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program's 2014-2015 field season. A general education blog summarizing the expedition can be found here: http://antarctica2014-2015.blogspot.com/ (12/28/14) Lab member Micah Schlesinger presents her stormwater runoff research at the 2014 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia (10/21/14) https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2014AM/webprogram/Paper241581.html Lab Member Kaila Hanley awarded Guardians of the Brandywine Headwaters Scholarship for her proposed work investigating the sources and fate of Triclosan in the East Branch of Brandywine Creek (10/1/14) Goldsmith lab receives funding to explore the impact of lawn care practices on the Cobbs Creek Watershed in Lower Merion Township and Narberth, PA. This research represents a joint partnership with the Lower Merion Conservancy, which is ultimately funded through the William Penn Foundation (5/1/14) http://lmconservancy.org/conservation/philly-upstream-cobbs-watershed/ 2013 Lab member Kate Wister presents her initial fracking survey results at the 2013 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado (11/20/13). http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/newsevents/2013/1118.html Goldsmith and collaborators awarded 2013 Pennsylvania Sea Grant to explore link between hydraulic fracturing activities and streamwater quality in Pennsylvania (2/28/13) |